I have been stealing time here and there in Dec '2009 to get some of this done. My eldest was here frm msia for a week and then my 2nd came for 2 weeks when the eldest return to work again....Than our umrah trip for 5 days...This week school starts again and also my classes..thus the WIP.

This 2 round stands are for Linda who wants some flowers to be painted on them. At the moment still looking at some pattern books but no idea yet came to mind.

So..while waiting for some ideas to strike..I dabble on these wooden spoons. It was an Eco wood..very hard...I am trying Sky Blue as base coat to see how it turns out and Berries n Cream for the almost subdued pink. Turns out quite nicely.

This plaque with Mint Green base and streaks with Sky Blue....was actually practising to get the hydrangeas right..

This is another practise on how to do stripes on the base..coated with Baby Pink and striped with Berries n Cream....practise some string ribbons..the angle ribbons still doesn't turn out well..

This is a redo of a mess-up small flowers...turns out quite well the 3rd time around and booked by Illa...waiting for another coat of varnish before planning to deliver it end this week.

This is a door plaque request by kak Nas for her daughter..she said..pinkish..but I was not sure how pink..so I mixed 1:1 of Sheer Blossom with Warm White for the base...outside trim with Berries n Cream and Gold line..I hope she will like it...

These topiaries to be decided upon which one by Sue...but i am already falling in love with the sweet colors..probably i will make another one coz'I have just enough flowers but I have no more pot or vases....
So...these were what kept me busy...
salam kak zie,
pagi2 dah singgah teratak kak zie, tapi tak sempat nak to say helo.. Yes..kak zie no problem, I ve my own carpenter for repair, or make over your old furniture. so far mmang ok. kalu k.zie intrsted.. nanti balik sini, kita bleh aturkn.
Alhamdulilllah..murah rezeki kak zie, selalu dpt mengerjakan umrah..
hops one day my dreams will come truuuu..kak zie..for haj..InsyaAllah.
Wk'slm Shidah...Thanks..nanti kita cerita bila kzie dh balik msia. InsyaƔllah..kita kn selalu pasang hajat nak ketanah suci..insyaƔllah setiap doa kita Allah swt makbulkan
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