Saturday, December 5, 2009

Roses & Hydrangeas...In Progress...

Nothing is finished!!! Am still thinking to add some final touches before varnishing them.....


  1. Zie, how lovely..... I wish I could do as such.... maybe one day, with much hope!

  2. salam kak zie......

    cantik nyer esp yg background itam tu.... sssoooooo sweeettt.... amy ni sampai sekarang wat roses x mo menjadik... huhuhu

  3. Salaam...Thanks for your comments.
    Diah..Yr wish akan jd kenyataan..I suka tngk yr fabric crafts.. cantik.. but mata ni tak terang so tk dpt nk try pun..Sy br cuba dua bunga je..time and skill limited but semangat nak jadikan smthing.. Use to be upset bila tak jadi but skrg...ok..accept semua and kdg ok kdg dak..ada masa buat takde masa dak..

    Amy..yg hitam tu meja Ikea..susah nak paint jg if tak base smthing to hold the paint..sbb surface dia licin...kzie focus on colors and now 2 flowers and two leaves type.. he..he.. Hopefully lbh berani nak expand..
