Sunday, March 29, 2009

Comfort Living...After 5 years..Some Shifting Around Was Done..

I have been living in this house for close to 6 years now..the house itself was built sometime early 80's..but for every 5 or so years it will be we had to ahve it done immediately upon returning from Zurich. If postponed, our turn might not come till another 2 or 3 months took about 10days to complete..with carpet & tile change, repainting, kitchen table-top change and outside painting too... Once it's done..till today..I haven't really complete putting back all the stuffs. Man..there's soo much small stuffs I don't know where it should be...probably bcos we are minus 1 shelving unit and stuffs have got no space now..Thinking a visit to IKEA is good now... The photos shows what I have done so far....still need more work..but probably once I got the extra shelves...

1 comment:

  1. wow kak zie, warm n charming jer suasana rumah u, terutama bathrom, like so much..tempat cari idea. sori kak zie, tepot tu dtg dgn complete dinnerset, utk 6 org makan, hrganye dlm rm900.00. u dtg ler rumah l, exit tol rawang..dekat jer.
