Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stuffs In Progress...

I had these done last nite as my other half was on the threadmill and watching Friday the 13th. at the same time.... The tray and the purple step-stool were ones I was not happy with but not sure what to do with them. nak repaint over rasa sayang for the smaller step stool..I wanted to paint wild-roses but I miss one of the colors and it becomes darker...Hmm..hmm...

Anyway..I am letting them dry and will varnish them..see whether the love will grow or dies... he..he..But this time..I remember to write down the colors that I use..

The repair on the tray instead of repainting was to minus some leaves and since I am still jittery with handwriting letters..I decide just to slip-slap some paint at the center. For the step stool...earlier the blue-white was just scruffied on...mcm baby-breath lah konon...than I change to somewhat OS hyacinths...

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