Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bringing The Brushes & Water Out...

I've got the water basins out today...check on the brushes..bring out the books and sketches and what nots..Now I am still planning on what to do first..the difficult or the easier ones first. After about a month hiatus..I figured my hands should be able to be retrained on doing a different strokes just to get the roses right...

I should be able to sit down for awhile without hurting my bum so much..well..after the slip on the stairs last week and thumping down a few now I am feeling the effects. Finished vacuuming at least downstairs, changing sheets on 2 beds..I sure hope my housegirl can find the time to come soon. After returning from Msia 3 weeks ago..I was quite busy with the house work definitely..the unpacking and the storing...with school and homework and Miss Hannah wanting to audition for Honor Band to go to Switzerland..Zayd wanted too but he is still sitting while sis has been huffing and puffing on her French Horn for a while now..yesterday her music teacher called to say that she will benefit from a private tutor to prepare for the audition..a steep SR100 for half and hour and its going to be a couple of lessons till the audition. After that they will practise in Next..I was busy with the house renovation in Subang Alam while here in Dhahran. Luckily with the available technology I could see the progress...I will be happy if it comes out at least 80% to planned ideas..insyaƔllah.. goes today...

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