Saturday, July 5, 2008

Paintinq Try Outs...

I tried painting on these items..again free hand...I don't advise this as I have difficulty getting the arrangements right and sizing up the whole design.'s good practise for me on these surfaces....

I figure that what I should do is :-
  • How to convert the S, C, Comma, U etc... strokes into the ones that make the flowers or leaves seems easier than it actually is just by reading what the painting book authors say..especially if your hand is crooked and stiff like mine. But like they say..this craft is something that you can learn. Just be patient and keep on trying..I keep telling myself that whenever I feel disheartened if it doesn't turn out right...There's always next time and next pieces....

  • Get a real teacher if one is available near you...this will show you tips and how wet your brush should be, how to hold the brush, load the the strokes, highlighting, floating etc...Or..get a DVD or watch from Youtube as the next best thing... these are much more helpful than just books and painting packets...

  • How to choose colours...especially if the type that is indicated in the books are not available at your locality..

This is actually a cutting board with legs...saw it at Ana Zul's house party and ask where she gets it..says it's not hers but rather belongs to Ana Ahmed instead...dear me go and ask it from her.. I am going to use it as a cake plate stand or a water bucket stand etc....This is done free hand...the base was painted with Raw Umber..the streaks on the surface were actually wet colors I tried to wipe off but it keep sticking. So, rather than paint the whole thing again...I just let it be since it's for me...

This next piece is also a cutting board....based it with wood stain 2x..than for this I draw a design first and paint accordingly. weakness was and is still...I will tend to steer away from the design and add or minus as I like part of the original design.

This tray I got it from the Women Exchange for was originally with paste up design and I peel most of it off...originally color was dark grey blue somewhat...Had to scrape the glue.. sandpaper the surface to smoothen and than paint it with Linen...about 3x..and sand paper in between layers...Draw the desin with free hand pencil sketch not transfer like above piece... The design looks like below....Than I proceed to apint them and ended up with I feel too much leaves in it..Hannah & Azlan likes the color and again the leaves..and be it...Yet..I still ahve to apply varnishes before I can use it...again for myself...


  1. Nice are an expert painter

  2. Not yet expert..still a long shot..I wish one day like Nora Anizah..I am still trying to get a good hold on the brushes and the techniques...But the camera did pictured them nicely...thanks to that..thanks for your comments.. sure give me a big smile..I'm flying back to Msia tmrw for a month...

  3. Hi sis, is closed for update since sunday. flying back to Malaysia? from where?
    Holding the brush is really a challenge isn't it? your fingers get tired after some strokes hehehe.....
