Friday, November 19, 2010

Earn Money ???

Just thought that this try out might be a good it from one of the blogs.. :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thank you For Your Purchases....

2months flew by so quickly..Now I am back in Dhahran after abt 7weks in Shah Alam. Did not manage to get much done by way of my creative needs..but had done almost all what needs to be done for the family and those connected with it.

My heartful thanks to all those that purchases books from me.. Sorry for all the delays..but I hope you will enjoy going thru'the books..try out the projects an dpick up new skills... Due to postage costs..I will not be able to supply from Saudi but once in Malaysia this is possible. So..if any one is interested in any particular book..let me know..I will try to get the best prices for it..insyaállah... And comes next July&Aug 2011..I will be able to again offer books for sale.

I am leaving for UK soon for about 2 weeks..sending off my 2nd son who will be studying at Bournemouth exploring his creative inclination. Pray for me that its' gonna be a fruitful adventure especially for for me..I am going to enjoy the beaches & gardens...

Friday, June 11, 2010

SALE!!!!...10% discount for all orders for "ROSES"by Ros Singleton.

Still available..5pcs.!!! Thank-you for received orders. It will be confirmed by next week payment&delivery..with 10% less of RM125....

Beautiful book by Ros Singleton. You would want to have one in your keeping.
RM125/= inclusive postage to Semenanjung. Available qty : 10. All orders will be shipped out 2nd week of July 2010. Kindly email me if you are interested :

Decorative Painting Books...

Decorative Painting for Home & Garden
-Karen Embry.
Available: 2 hardcover copies @ RM49.50 plus shipping.
With 19 unique painted designs for chairs, benches, shelves, and even pillows..easy to follow instructions with patterns. Basic techniques for painting are shown for learning. Good reference to have for beginners and up.

Cottage Style Decorative Painting - Holly Hahn.
 Good source for reference as you begins your journey in decorative painting.. Have skills tutorial and many tips in it. ...Available: 2 copies (paperback).RM47.50 plus shipping.
Decorative Painting Techniques Book - Di Singleton
Very informative for all levels especially beginners. Tips & projects included. RM75/= includes postage Semenanjung. Available qty : 1 .
The Complete Book of Decorative Painting - Tera Leigh.
This book contains almost all methods of decorative painting, tips,set-ups and many colorful photos. Great for beginner and any levels especially as a reference book. RM85/= includes postage Semenanjung. Available qty : 1 .. ***BOOKED!! *** Tq..

For more information on the books...You can check it out from or Barnes & Noble

Monday, May 10, 2010

Abaya - 1


1. ABY-Em5SFC-M2

  • 5 Colors Embroidery on Sleeve Edge, Front Panels and Collar
  • Material : Matte
  • Wide Sleeve - Kimono
  • Cost : RM310 w/o Sheila w/o Postage available : July 2010
  • Custom Made

2. ABY-EmSS-M3

  • Embroidered at Sleeve Edge with Satin Lining
  • Material : Made or Shiny Satin
  • Ready Made available with various colors but similar designs.
  • Custom made : Min 3 weeks
  • Cost : RM255 w/o Sheila w/o Postage

3. ABY - EmSS - Stn 1

  • Embroidered at sleeve and front bottom with stones embelishments..
  • Material : Satiny
  • Cost : RM285 w/o Sheila w/o postage
  • Custom Made : min. 3 weeks

4. ABY-EmSFB-Stn 2

AVAILABLE !!! Size 27&1/2

  • Embroidery on sleeve, front panels & Collar, back.
  • Material : Satiny
  • Cost : RM265 w/o sheila and w/o postage

5. ABY-EmSS-S1

  • Embroidered on Sleeve - Black Thread - Half
  • Satin Lining under Embroidery - Multiple Colors Available - Shown - Dark Purple.
  • Wide Sleeve Design ~Kimono - Design change acceptable
  • Material : Salona
  • Cost : RM355 w/o postage w/o Shaila-Rectangular Scarf
  • Available : July 2010. Custom made orders - 3wks min.
  • Ready Stock : Coming soon

5. ABY-EmS-M1

  • Embroidered at Sleeve Edges Only...Designs can come in many forms and colors.
  • Wide Sleeve Design - Kimono
  • Material : Matte
  • Cost : RM335 with Rect. Scarf with Embroidery at 2 ends. W/o postage.
  • Available : July 2010. Custom made orders :3wks min.
  • Ready Stock : Coming Soon.


  1. Materials type & Embroidery Designs & Embelishments & Lining material will go towards the cost of each abaya...
  2. Designs may vary slightly in certain cases..for custom orders.
  3. Order to be made either with Rectangular Scarves or without ( price less if without).
  4. No Postage will be charged if delivery made in July 2010..
  5. Ready made designs can also be used as custom orders with modifications to thread colors etc...**Samples will be put up soon...
  6. Deposit is required for orders & full payment upon delivery.
  7. Costs will be informed via email upon confirmation of tailoring charges.
  8. Sizes are required...**Reference will be put up soon.

Kindly email me any request or questions to

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Abayas...For orders..Selingan..

I am coming back to Malaysia for 5 weeks in July..If anybody would like to get some abayas made in are some samples..More designs are available..with stones.. ribbons.. embroidery.. hand name is possible. It can come with a rectangular selendang also..

4 types of material available : Alif Laila...Matte..Satin...Salona... Suitable in Malaysia will be Matte & Satin...Salona is good too but slightly more expensive... Leave me a message if you are will be in July from Msia...custom made is 3 weeks...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Itchy Hands Painting..

Did this just to make sure my hands will not be stiff....Uwaa...It did get stiff for the time it were laid to rest picking up other things...kene ubat this penyakit was just bcos I couldn't spare enough time to sit and do a project..have a few orders but still not starting..habis lah customer lari nanti...

Anyway..still along the same line....bouquets...but arrangements need to be more tidy..I am sketching up the arrangements..maybe it will turn out neater..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friendship Award....

I received this award from Aris @ Shabbyshaq..Thank-you for the gesture dear..Although now only virtual friendship by means of common interest. I love reading her blog with all the varied activities.. Variations are what keep it alive..but I'm more topsy turvy rather than varied..ha..ha May one day we shall meet insyaállah..

Aris...I am using your words for the paragraph below...tq..

In the spirit of friendship and interest..I would like to pass on this award on to few other bloggers that I also have keen interest in their work..especially their development and variations..

As a rule to receiving this award, I am required to forward this award to 12 more recipients, really to form a chain. The next recipients will then need to do the same and follow the rules set forth,

1. Nominate 12 bloggers.
2. Put the logo onto your sidebar or within a post.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let the nominees know they’ve received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link the sidebar logo to the person from whom you’ve received this award

In furtherance / keeping to this, I'll like to pass on this award to these next recipients (in not any order of importance).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Plaid Enamel Paint on Ceramic

This is a very old mug that I had from 1988..It had a Blaupunkt logo on it from when I was working with Bosch Penang in 1987~1991... The spoon rest is what I have around the house. Just tried to put some colors on it... The strokes are still a bit off using the enamel paint..this is with flow is smoother to handle.. CAUTION : Paint should not be in contact with food or mouth...

Plaid Enamel Paint on Plastic Jug

I did this today..basically it's the 2nd piece that I did using enamel paints... Starting out was fairly smooth in doing the leaves..but as I progress with the flowers.. I feel the brush started to drag. It was advise not to use water with enamel paints but to use the clear medium or flow medium...still I feel its heavy. Anyway.. it was good practise...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


As I was juggling cooking.. doing homework.. pick-up this and that.... got caught sitting down doing these two swags.... Still need some adjustments to the balance upon hanging...some stuffs & tools missing.....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Roses.. Differences & Similarities...

This is sort of what I wanted..after considering how to place the petals etc..choosing the colors.....

This one of the first that I tried..using a traced pattern...

This is trying out Ros Singleton's but it does not come out too well...Still I am happy with it coz' it is different slightly.....

This the latest I have painted..

Now.. I am trying to select the colors of my roses... What colors to use most of the time... I always forgot to write down the colors used.. Only after finishing up and cleaning the work space.. I remember that I did not write the colors down... Therefore..the shades are always different... Only from this latest piece that I did write the colors down...Mint Green for base... Dark Salmon & Warm White for the roses...Old Ivy & Forest Green for the leaves.... This week has nothing new for me...coz'the kids are winding up the 2nd. semesters and lots of projects.. exams and shows to go too. Plus..I have committed for my own word-to-word Quran test...and I hope it works well...umm..I hope I will pass it...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Roses....Still Practising....

This is a drawing I get of a simple rose from the internet..The colorings are sweet...

These 3 items..are just some of the things I used to practise. The two round covers..I am planning for a stove top cover.. The black mirror is actually IKEA's.. I used enamel paints on it so..I do not have to use a medium to make the paint sticks to the surface. The mirror is sort of varnished with sticky surface...If using normal acrylic paints..I would have to sand the surface to remove the varnish.. But using enamel paints was really a challenge as compared to acrylic bcos it dries up very fast and the brushes clogged up with paint. Eventualy..I managed to get it done reasonably well to what I want...

Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Paint a Rose -2

After we have sort of satisfied in loading the brush...chosen the colors..we can start to practise on drawing the slightly smoother type as compared to grainy bços... the paper quality will affect the painting. Especially when we just start out..we tend to drag the brush or hold it heavily as I called what I do... This will transfer too much paint or dry-up the brush.... Best will be to try on basecoated wood material is my preferences... But here goes..

Here's a couple of roses that we can try to paint step by step. If observe closely..what differs will just be the stroke applied and petals positions and quantity. As a beginner... starts with the least numper of petals...learn the stroke ( how to make the stroke right)...its position and also if the colors look right to what you want....

Another easier try outs are these roses by Priscilla Hauser. Altough the full rose requires more know how but with these two worksheets found in her book we can easily start with something.

Methods by Priscilla Hauser

This page shows how you can positioned your strokes/petals in making up the rose.
Methods by Brenda Jansen
Happy painting!! I believe these different methods look softer than Donna Dewberry's. But.. in wanting to know when & how to use shading & highlights trying out DD One Stroke is much easier. Then..take an adventure and find out different ways you can paint your rose. I put up the steps by steps infront of my painting area..I also put up the pictures of roses I would like my rose paintings to look like...

This is free pattern frm Ros Singleton

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How To Draw A Rose...My Adventure

I have been crazy for these thorny flowers since forever..their fragrances..colors..texture of the petals..many types and names and all that come with it.... So..since abt 6yrs back after accomplishing decoupage.. I have decided that why not try to learn and paint one..Easier said than done..Not as easy as it seems... but they's a learned skill techniques and not really artistic..u..huh...Believing in this..I stride on.. But I have concluded..although you need not be artistic to know how to paint one.. but you do need to have the artistic flair or creativity in making it look realistic and not too pasted or painted.. to know the fall of lights and structure of the flowers..the shadows..the weight of the blooms in bouquets and so on.... As such..I follow all what they say in the books.. I tried short-cuts here and there but...I strongly believe.. you need to have patience.. practise.. tools of the trade readily available and definitely knowledge on how to go about. Honestly...I am still going about it..I guess..I need to stick to just a type of rose or maybe two.. he..he..and learn how to structure the bloom and paint them with the chosen colors.... So dear friends..if you are just starting out...These tips might help you....

1. Learn the painting terms so that you can easily follow the instructions...Next..after learning how to load the brush....knowing how your brush will look like wet..drying up..enough colors or not enough colors..well blended or half here to there... proceed to...

excerpt : Donna Dewberry

excerpt : Tara Leigh

2. Practise and pracise.....not in painting the flowers but the basic strokes..the comma stroke..wiggle comma stroke..the U-stroke..upside down U-stroke..maybe the C stroke..S-Stroke.. Do for every type of strokes nearly 100..200...times or more..keep the practise sheets and look at when you first do it and when you have done say 200..? Takes a long time ya? But it's worth it.. You will be able to see..a nice incomplete stroke..

excerpts : Priscilla Hauser

3. Experiment more on the a wriggle stroke or an upturned/overturned stroke...

excerpts : Priscilla Hauser

4. More or less satisfied now...sketch a shape of rose..somesay...sketch a cup & saucer type... or just two circles type... For me..I look at where and how many are the required to position them...An image of the steps will be good. Choose the type of rose that you would like to paint...Choose the colors that go with it...Standardized the methods..with background..without background base....What type of brush you gonna use...flat brush or angular bruses... Refer to the many artiste..the ones I know were..Priscilla Hauser..Donna Dewberry..Gretchen Cagle.. Ros Singleton..Ros Stallcup...Jan Fox...Ginger Edwards and locals to Malaysia..Aniza..Zaitun..Nora and Zahir.... Laksmi..Jen... name a few.. These are known teachers.... Love how their work looks like....Am still taking/planning to take lessons from them...

5. Set a time..when you can have the peace or comforts to do it....But finished your strokes first before you embarked on actualy start to paint the rose..Colors choices are important to me too... so that you would love the outcome.. I started mine with a shocking pink and white..urghh.. I don't like its brightness and the jarring mistakes I was doing.... You need to give yourself time.. encouragement and also to analyze your progress.. Doesn't matter if somebody's's easy once you get to know how to do it long as you are still doing matter how bad or how good..give yourself a pat...come a time...suddenly will say..I like your work and the hardtimes suddely left you... But do not savor this too much coz'if you dont practise it will get rusty..coz' remember! This is a learned skill not a natural ability...therefore the ease will only come with practise..emmm..I don't think you can even say that you can do it wit your eyes closed..ha..ha.... Anyway..come a time you will be happy with your work but..if you do not start yourself gonna get stuck with the bad habits I so called it..and these are more difficult to rectify...but it's still possible by blanking your mind out and restart all over again..... So.. I will put up some sampels in a while but I have just got to get the writing out of the way.. Happy trying....